This bouquet is big and vibrant and ... big! We love it! Chelsea and I gravitate to these warm, bright tones. They pop in photographs so well - the colors just jump across the screen.
Our inspiration for this bouquet came from a picture of a cake similar to the one below. We knew we needed hot, spicy colors. I think of this style as Tex-Mex; it's so Austin. Having lived most of my life in this unique city, I'm pretty familiar with what makes Austin fun, and I love getting to highlight that. We're a weird bunch, and we like it that way.
Cake - B Sweet Cupcakery
Venue - House on the Hill
Photographer - Darby Doll Photography
Bride - Annalisa Peetzah
Flowers - Christie Turner Designs (of course!)
More posts to come on this awesome and spicy and Austin-tastic floral design.
#houseonthehill #austinwedding #atxwedding #austinflorist #texmexwedding #bigbouquet #orangebouquet #proteabouquet #protea #bohowedding #bohobouquet #austinchic #keepaustinweird #brightbouquet #bouquet